The Early Bird...

I'm at home now due to the coronavirus emergency, and in less upsetting circumstances I'd be excited to be able to visit the patch during the start of the spring migration (something I rarely get to see). As it stands, I still plan to visit occasionally for exercise though this may well change in the coming days. I chose not to use the hide and scan from 'Platform 5' at the end of the track and avoided using the platforms when any other birders were present, keeping at least 2 metres away from anyone I saw on the way.
Despite the nice weather and an enjoyable visit, we had a frustrating double miss today.
My dad and I arrived at Willington GPs around 8:30 this morning and had an enjoyable day of birding in wonderful weather.
I was pleased to hear huge numbers of singing Chiffchaffs - in excess of 15 were recorded during the walk. For me, this is one of the most exciting sounds of the spring (though not a patch on the first Cuckoo).
A singing Skylark was a very welcome year tick, though not the Sand Martin or Willow Warbler that I was hoping for, and a Kingfisher in the new workings, a vocal Oystercatcher and several Goldeneye were the avian highlights elsewhere on the walk.
I spent a long time walking the various paths around the new workings area looking for Wheatear - a bird which was once somewhat reliable here in spring.
My efforts didn't go entirely unrewarded as I found what I think was a White Wagtail, which would have been a great record if I'd had the time to get a 100% ID before it promptly flew north.
Probably the best sighting of the day came in the form of a mammal - my first ever Fox on the reserve - which gave great views strolling through the riverside field behind Platform 5.
Unfortunately though, it seems like we didn't arrive quite early enough this morning. Fortune favours the brave and a birder this morning had both Garganey and Whooper Swan prior to 7am! Despite intensive searching, I couldn't refind either which left a slightly sour taste on what was an enjoyable day and a pleasant diversion from difficult times.


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