April Showers

The weather has suddenly changed lately, and with it there is the possibility of an interesting wader/tern.

One of the first birds I heard on my walk yesterday was the distant rattle of a Lesser Whitethroat. My first of the year. I followed the sound for around 100m right to the boundary of the field but sadly the bird must have been hiding some distance over the hedge so there was no chance of a sighting.

On the lake, I found a male Gadwall sleeping in the reeds on the edge, which was a good tick. There was no sign of the Wigeon from last week.

As it got darker under an ominous-looking rain cloud, a group of hirundines dropped down to the lake. With them, were the birds of the day -  5 Swift. An April Swift is a challenge I always set myself each year, and I managed it on the final day of the month! What fantastic birds. The first of the year is always a thrill.
Also among the hirundines, I found 2 Sand Martin. These were also my first of the year - I don't think I've ever ticked them after Swift before! #72 for my overall lockdown list.
Little else was on the lake - 2 Mute Swan, 6 Coot, 2 Tufties and 7 Mallard, one with ducklings.

Birding from the house has been quiet in the last few days, but a Herring Gull that flew over a couple of days ago takes me to 51.

Also, whilst walking down my road, I heard a Cuckoo! A very rare sound indeed near to my house. I rushed to my driveway and to try to hear it for the garden list, but it decided to remain silent. Hopefully, this is a summering bird and not just a migrant passing through. That would be a very exciting addition to the garden list if I could find it again.


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